Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Tower Cranes > When installing crane gold 1.6 roller rockers on an lt1, do you use any of the original rockers?

When installing crane gold 1.6 roller rockers on an lt1, do you use any of the original rockers?

I got the crane gold 1.6 roller rocker I'm trying to install on my 95 z28 w/ an lt1 and it doesn't seem like they are installing quite right. I got the tall black nuts that hold the rocker down around the stud and the pushrods, that's it. Do I need to use those things that go below the rockers themselves (the things that slide over the stud and the rocker goes over it from the original rockers) or do I just install how I already am with just the crane rockers, black nuts and pushrods?


Lt1 1.6 Roller Rockers
on the LT1 they come factory with screw in studs so the crane application should go without any problems the rocker the rocker guide from crane should slide right on to stud you don't use the old rocker guide for that
Lt1 Roller Rockers
I'm not sure with the LT1 - I didn't go with the crane units on mine - but are the studs correct for the crane application? I know on some of the applications you need to swap over the studs. Give the crane tech folks a call, and ask them.

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