when u use works toilet bowl cleaner and tin foile and the explosion happens what happens?
A well-chosen transparent plastic would be the best electrical insulator, since it can sustain the highest electric field strength without breaking down, and has few free electrons to make conduction easyFew foams nowadays are made of rubber, but the best thermal insulator would be a well-chosen plastic foamStyrofoam is a good choiceThe conductivity of the plastic itself is fairly lowIt traps a lot of air, which is a very good thermal insulator.
I'd say transparent plastic, as it is the most dense, thus preventing electricity from escaping through the gapsSame with heat- most dense, so will prevent heat from escapingThings like aluminium foil are conductors- they will steal the heat rather than keep it in the object.
Toilet bowl cleaner is usually hydrochloric acid, and tin foil is aluminumWhen they make contact, it generates hydrogen gas, which can explode if a spark or other heat source is presentDK