Where are welded parts of steel structures to be subjected to nondestructive testing?
Before welding, the welding materials, such as sundries and drug skins are thoroughly welded before welding, so as to guarantee the welding quality. Apply splash proof liquid around the weld and shall not weld, strike, test, or weld any part other than the weld.
The appearance of the weld is smooth and beautiful, and there shall be no welding defects, such as blowhole, undercut, flowing, welding failure, incomplete sealing angle and non sealing.
All welds shall be full weld, and the weld height shall be in accordance with the drawing design requirements, and the minimum weld angle shall not be lower than the thickness of the sheet to which it is attached. Pay special attention to the welding height at the bottom flange and bracket. Butt welded flange plate to mouth, gouging completely after welding, arc welding lead must be added before the weld shall not be lower than the parent material, and more than high not greater than 2mm, more than high or welding to grinding clearance with grinder. After welding arc plate will lead plane, with grinder will edge polishing.