something thin to make cut-out necklaces from?
You don't say how thick. In general, plexiglass (which uses a watery catalyst bonder that is instant) has to be bought in 4 foot by 8 foot sheets and is fairly expensive. You find that in companies that make custom displays for stores and conventions. The wholesalers will not sell to the public. If you want thin, paper thickness, try a blueprint house that sells supplies.
If you're in California, Oregon, or Washington, look in the Yellow-Pages for TAP PLASTICS Company. I've been buying acrylic sheet, rod, and bar from them since the 1980's. Most Home-Depot type stores will also carry THIN acrylic sheet in both frosted and textured form for fluorescent light covers. I'm not quite sure what a cut-out necklace is, but you might also try a model-hobby shop which will carry thin styrene plastic sheet, tube, and rod. Styrene can be painted with enamel or acrylic paints in ENDLESS colors. GOOD Luck and wear safety glasses when cutting plastic !!