Reflective tape that can be put on clothing that is durable and won't come off in the washer/dryer and can withstand lots of movement? I'm making my own Phat pants (for those of you who don't know, they are pants that ravers wear). I'm buying the actual pants from , but they don't have the reflective materials, so can somebody please tell me where I can buy it, whether online or in store? Thanks!
Vapor/steam won't set off the sprinklers, they have an element in them that will melt once a certain temperature is reached, and then they go off. Your electric kettle would only set them off if it shorted out and caught the room on fire - in which case, your computers are going to be the least of your worries.
Keep the stream or cooking heat away from sprinkler at least 8 feet away.
Never use a 'hot plate' in such a residential structure, as this could cause a fire and your expulsion. I suggest that you use an automatic coffee pot so your water is kept at a point that you don't have to worry about under-cooking Ramon Noodles and boiling over. I suggest that you use a new unit for this as an old one will need cleaning to get rid of the coffee stains and taste. Stay safe study / party hard!
Answer 1 is RIGHT: your description sounds like water hammer, possibly with an additional problem acting as a trigger. The clue is the word chatter. Answer 2 is wrong as it is the LACK of air, NOT the presence of air, which allows water hammer to occur. The video in answer ones link shows an air shock absorber. Now, as to the cause for the chattering of the water hammer. Chatter can be caused by a LOOSE, or worn, rubber-like WASHER[s] in the shower control valve. A loose washer can vibrate in the process of closing, and if there is not an air cushion chamber in the water lines, then the chattering valve washer can cause the symptoms you describe.