I have a psu that has two slots for 8 pin power connectors. It only came with one 8 pin to 6+2 pin and one 8 pin to 6 pin power cable. I have a video card that needs 2 8 pin connectors and I need a cable that is 8 pin to 8 pin. I can't use 6-pin slots because I have used all of them. I have found extenders but no male to male cable. Any help?Thanks?
confident, this is going to artwork merely fantastic, do exactly no longer assume a sturdy overclock with merely 4 pins as adversarial to eight. additionally determine you plug the 4 pin into holes a million,2,3 and four and not 5,6,7 and eight or there'll be issues lol
Most people use a molex to 8 pin adapter. Link below.
Just get a molex to 8 pin adapter at newegg, problem solved =P