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Where do you find Bog Iron in Kansas?

Where is Kansas could I go to find my own bog iron? Where are there bogs? Has anyone found any Bog Iron as used by the pioneers?


Limonite occurrences in Kansas: Concretions (particularly in the Dakota Formation) and in the form of impurities in sedimentary rocks. Limonite has replaced pyrite near Lincolnville in Marion County It is formed by the alternation of other minerals that contain iron. The yellow brown earthy variety of limonite is a mixture of limonite and clay call yellow ochre that very soft. The dark-brown to black variety (bog iron ore) is so hard that it cannot be scratched with a knife. Small quantities of limonite give a yellowish or buff color to most sandstones and to many clays, shales and limestones. Minor ore of iron. (not of sufficient quantities to be mined in Kansas)
Bog moved to Utah about three years ago, I think.
i live in Kansas and I don't even know what a Bog Iron is!
Bog moved to Utah about three years ago, I think.
i live in Kansas and I don't even know what a Bog Iron is!
Limonite occurrences in Kansas: Concretions (particularly in the Dakota Formation) and in the form of impurities in sedimentary rocks. Limonite has replaced pyrite near Lincolnville in Marion County It is formed by the alternation of other minerals that contain iron. The yellow brown earthy variety of limonite is a mixture of limonite and clay call yellow ochre that very soft. The dark-brown to black variety (bog iron ore) is so hard that it cannot be scratched with a knife. Small quantities of limonite give a yellowish or buff color to most sandstones and to many clays, shales and limestones. Minor ore of iron. (not of sufficient quantities to be mined in Kansas)

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