I purchased a repair manual and it's not even showing anything called a resister card for a blower motor. I went to Murray's Auto Parts to have them check the relay switch,but they couldn'tt check it there. They told me to check the resister card before purchasing blower motor. The blower only runs on high speed.
It's located behind your glove box underneath by where the passenger feet go you ll see the blower motor wiring going to it it has two 5/16 screws that hold it on.
Check under dash right side by blower motor 4/5 wire plug could be facing down or you may have to take out glove box. there also may be a red lock on release for the plug
it is located right behind the glove box on that one you,ll see a small wiring harness going to it,when those go bad all you get is high speed from it usually,there easy to get to though and replace they cost about 15 bucks through most parts stores,good luck.