I mean when I am using the laptop. It's bad to put the laptop on the lap or desk because it causes it to over heat so what do I do??
Buy a laptop cooling pad (not expensive at all) and then put the laptop on your lap or wherever you wish :)
I use by rectangle fan as a cooling fan, I put it on the bed and turn on the fan it cools it TEN TIMES better then a laptop cooler. Hope I helped!
Desk is fine, the only bad things to put it on is something that blocks the vents. Since a desk is a hard surface it always stays away from the vents, but on anything soft, such as your lap, it sinks in and the airflow is blocked.
This is a true story and I'm not at all kidding. I recently read a news that a man put his laptop on the bed and he slept. He never knew that the laptop's fan had stopped working and the heat had been accumulated in the laptop because it was on the bed. Ultimately the laptop started burning and the person never got to know because he was in deep sleep. The harmful fumes caused the air to directly convert to Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is really harmful and may cause death within few minutes. The laptop ultimately burst and the man was seriously injured and is presently in the hospital because of the blast and the choking. Please avoid keeping the laptop on your lap or on your bed because if the fan isn't working properly, it may seriously harm you. Its always better to take precautionary measures before something happens. Take care dear. All the best
Anywhere but your lap is fine