Reflective road studs (cat eyes) improve visibility especially when driving at night as they indicate the limits of the lane being used. Need information that can be presented to road engineers/authorities on where reflective road studs, i.e. cat eyes, have actually reduced road crashes. Actual statistics on various roads will help. Also reduced number of road crash victims admitted to hospitals at night as a direct result of use of reflective road studs (cat eyes) will be valuable.
Once something goes on the internet, it's permanent. You screwed up. That could affect her getting a job since some employers do extreme background checks. Why are you getting drunk at 17? Depending on where you live, that could be considered child porn and you can be arrested for it. As for having sex there, you can't blame them for the door being unlocked. They probably trusted you since you're their friends. What is a cake or card supposed to do? You basically ruined her life. Don't be surprised if she never talks to you again.
The owner of an epoxy products company told me a while ago that all clear epoxy putties will eventually yellow. I know that superglue and epoxy glue can influence eachother and to me it sounds like the superglue is accelerating the yellowing process. Have you tried leaving the superglue a few days alone before applying the epoxy? What is the reason for the epoxy by the way? Are you making something like a glass cover for the picture? Like you sometimes see with pendants? If you are only using the superglue to keep the picture in place while you are applying epoxy you could also experiment with other glues. For instance elmers (roughen the surface you apply it too) or a rubber glue. Diane: that's a great website you have there!
This isn't the piece of equipment you want to economize on. Of all the things you will be wearing on a snowmobile, your helmet should be the best quality you can afford, or you shouldn't get on the vehicle. ncbi.nlm.nih /pmc/articles