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Which is better, lockers?

Which is better, lockers?


Fireproof board has high surface hardness, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, impact resistance, fine surface pores, easy pollution, solvent resistance, water resistance, drug resistance, flame resistance and other mechanical strength, mainly used in cabinets, showcase and so on
PVC waterproof, moistureproof, mothproof boards containing flame retardant materials using custom wardrobe should be safe
The density board, the main raw material of the wood fiber of the plant is processed by hot grinding, paving, hot pressing, etc. the density board has smooth surface, fine material, stable performance, firm edge and decorative surface of the board
1., solid wood board with complete wood, wood board, durable, decorative lines preferred2, blockboard rigid, sound absorption, insulation3. particleboard crushing of wood grain, and then pressed by bonding, its profile similar to the honeycomb, called particleboard, particleboard insulation, sound absorption

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