Which is the same diameter flange and flange lid?What's the diameter of the third floor?.
This depends on the specific specifications, small flange cover more expensive than large diameter flange, flange flange Gabby expensive
Is mainly to see the material, the flange is a flange ring, is a piece of board, materials must be the same material as the cover flange, flange cover flange is expensive, but sometimes very high machining accuracy, material requirements are high, basically belongs to the blind flange cover plate, material requirement is not too strict, it should be the price point
The flange and the flange flange is not so the cover is 6000/ tons of welding plate flange is more than 7000 / tons and tons of price is the demarcation point of different types and different sizes in different regions is not a material point like blind flange and now all kinds of, the layman is never understandWhen all is bought, not as good as selling
The same type of flange cover must be more expensive than the flange, such as DN1000 flange weight of about 98 kilograms, flange cover weight is more than 430 kg
This is really bad. Distinguishing the answers entirely depends on the weightIf the small bore flange is high pressure, then the flange must be estimated to be over PN64 kg and DN100If the large diameter of the flange, and the pressure is very low, it must be flange cover expensive, it is estimated that PN64, DN500 or moreThe middle is really hard to say this with you in the form of the flange flange welding flange like than the lighter