Which items that are still commonly used today were invented by Leonardo Da Vinci?
While they aren't the same as the version that Da Vinci invented , many of Da Vinci's inventions have been built upon since he invented them, so it was his work that led to how they are todayAlso, it was his contributions and improvements to others' items that led to ideas by others that also helped develop the itemsHis inventions and contributions include: - clocks - cranes - diving gear - water floats - flying machines (such as the ornithopter) - land vehicles - printing press - parachutes - robots - Spits - Lifting Jack - Textiles - Mechanic weaving loom - Water Pumps - Canals - Drills - Water Craft - Armoured Tank - Battleships - Submersibles - Bridges - Ladders - Catapults - Crossbows - Cannons - Machine Guns - Scythed Chariots - Also, though his claim to first helicopter design has now been lost it is still likely Leonardo played a part in the development of the modern helicopterIt is said that Igor Sikorsky was shown Leonardo's work and this inspired him to take up the study of the helicopter, a field in which he became a world leader So, as you can see, his contribution to society was hugeCheck out the sources to read more and see imagesof these items.
curiously you have by no skill seen a pine wooded areatelephone poles at the instant are not produced from diverse logs stitched mutuallymaximum telephone poles are pine trees, shaved to the ideal diameter, decrease to length as needed.