A.A lid to cover the coffee mug B.A metal spoon to stir the coffee C.A ceramic mug filled with coffee D.A hot plate to keep the mug warm
COr we would burn our fingers and lips! AWould keep the coffee warm and stop Elephants trodding in it!!
i really like herbal essence spray gel.i then use super skinny serum by paul micthell to help control frizz and add shine.its amazing! anywho.hope i helepd.)
u should never touch ur wet hair for hours it will cause breakage and split ends and if u shower everyday ur scalp will becum greasy with time, curly hair or wavy is extremely breakable and needs three times a week wash MAXur hair is wavy if u keep scrunching it it will only turn frizzy, if u cant wear it wavy and u want curlz, get small rolls in ur head for the night with a bit of hairspray in the morning, apply the rollers on damp hair, and do not touch ur hair while it is super wet, u'll only break it with scrunchies and combs and fingersmake 13 different sections on damp hair evenly twist each one downwards then make a small bun out of each twist - add hairspray and wait an hour or sleep in it covering the whole thing with a sateen cap that will protect it frm messing up.