Which rod is best for light saltwater use?
1. Hope it helps ya? Good luck
a medium action ugly stick spinning rod diawa samari spinning combo both good rods for about any species
I think a key difference between necklaces and a metal rod is that the metal rod is on the inside of your body. In most cases electrical current flow is on the outside of a conductor. This is why people inside of cars and planes are usually unhurt by lighting strikes. The current flows through the outside metal body. Or, If you have ever seen a demonstration at an electrical show where someone stands inside of a cage and the cage is hit by electrical sparks and the person is fine, this is the same concept in action. Referring back to your original question, jewelry is on the outside of you body and is a good conductor and the current will from your body through it, and the electricity then has to flow back through your body to reach ground. There is resistance heating whenever the current has to flow into another medium. This is partly what melts the jewelry and causes the burns. What would happen with a metal rod is harder to guess and would depend alot on whether or not it was raining and your body was soaked, but it is unlikely that that a rod inside the body would have a large current flow through it. It would not be electrically advantages for the electricity to flow from the outside of your body to the inside. The longer the rod get the more likely it is that it would become the path of least resistance and possibly receive current flow. If there was current through the rod, the most severe burn would happen where the current entered the rod and left it.