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Which should we do with our tax check? Windows roof bathroom appliances?

So we really need new windows, a new roof, new appliances, and want to redo the bathroom. Obviously windows and roof are more important then the other two! I think we will be getting back a decent return (a minimum of 6500) and we will be doing all the work ourselves. Haven't looked into how much the materials are going to cost yet but since we are doing everything ourselves I think we might be able to get windows and a roof and maybe even have some left over to do something else. Not sure though. So what should we do out of the things listed?


Depending on how bad the roof is, I would opt to do the windows first. This will save you money on a monthly basis year round and will help you get to those other things quicker.
are you sure you are able to replace your own roof? that is a pretty tough job. It is also the most important part of your house (ask any insurance agent) I don't think 6500 will be enough to cover both projects. My mother had her roof replaced 2 years ago(1500 sq ft ranch with architectural shingles 30 yr warranty) these were her price quotes: one man single contractor-$9k three man crew-$7800 and here's the kicker........... Home Depot $17,000!!!! yeah, for that price she could have bought a brand new car!!!! so, i guess you know which one she went with? good luck getting it done, hope this info was helpful!
roof is most important. do that and see how much cash you have left. windows are not cheap. remember, roof 1st, then go from there. save a little of that money for yourselves as a night out when the work is done. makes it worthwhile. you don't have to do everything at once.

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