Steel being my favorite type, I just picked up Heart Gold today, my gf got Soul Silver...I was wondering which steel types are available and somewhat easily obtainable in HG (and/or what is the earliest steel type I can get?)
for me would be steelex but u have to get onix and get him to level fifty and trade with a friend and he will evolve into steelex as long as your friend gives it back to you lol
There aren't many Steel types in the Johto and Kanto regions. You'll have to rely on trading from Sinnoh and Hoenn to get most of the Steel types. In Soul Silver you can get a Skarmory on Rt 43, I believe. Ask your gf to catch you one when she gets there.
easiest would be magnemite the good steel types will require some more effort My favorite steel type, scizor, needs a trade with a metal coat... And you don't find metal coat until halfway into the game There's also steelix there aren't that many steel types in the johto generation. There are some good ones in the hoenn so you could transfer from there
Magnemite is the first steel type you can obtain. Get it by going to the Safari Zone in the mountain area. Magnetons are also found there. You can also evolve a Pineco into a Forretress. You can find Pineco by headbutting trees. Unfortunately, those are the only easy-to-find steels before the Pokemon league. Afterwards, you can obtain a Bronzor, Metagross, Steelix*, and Scizor*. Your girlfriend can trade you a Skarmory as well. Of all the ones listed, Forretress is probably the easiest to obtain, but Metagross is the best. I hope that helped. Contact me if you want more info! *Steelix and Scizor are obtained by trading an Onix or Scyther while holding a Metal Coat. Technically, you can get them before the Elite Four. However, you would need a friend to give you their Metal Coat, or get lucky and find one on a wild Pokemon, becaue the only one you get in-game is obtained after you beat the Elite Four.