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Smile, first of all, your punishment was not to severe. I do think that discipline is necessary. On the other hand, there is also another thing playing. I do not excuse her for running her mouth, that is not done. Respect is a very important thing. But there are some problems between her and that teacherSometimes children run their mouth because they cannot express the right way what they think and feel, and why they do this. In a reaction to that they run their mouth. I think in her case she felt not understood and treated wrongly. Because he did not look at her pass, and just told her 2 times she had detention. Again, it is very wrong to disrespectful, I only can see it also from her point of view. (I was no angel at school also..laugh) But maybe a talk between her the teacher and the parents can solve these problems? Obviously there is a friction there. No excuse to be disrespectful, do not understand me wrong. I mean, I teach children myself in Aikido, and a very big teaching is Respect in my classes. The minute they are disrespectful to me, or a fellow Aikido student, (what only happened once), they are out of my class. I do explain to them why and always give them a second chance. But I wonder off topic, sorrysmile. To resume, the punishment was fitting, only I do think a talk with the teacher, to find out why they do not get along,would be also a good thing. Children, they are a hand fulllaugh.
If this question is for yourself, then make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and also using an oil free or acne solution face wash twice a day (something with salicylic acid). Make sure you moisturize with an oil free agent.
Do you mean PHOENIX? The only thing I can think of are signs warning of speed bumps ahead.