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Why am I still getting system error 5 when I run my computer as an admin?

When I go into cmd, as an admin and type net user administrator (my personal password) it says system error 5? I do not know why this is happening because I am running as an admin, additionally any ways to get around this?


Don't be too harsh, this little boy is only 6 not 16 years old. He probably is scared of the light. I remember as a child being afraid of going into my parents room if the little light at then end of the bed wasn't on after dark. And this wasn't a very big room. Soon as the light went on I was ok, but if it was off I was scared poopless! Give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he is scared, afterall he is just a little boy. Bare with him, he will grow out of it soon enough. A year or two from now he will be reminding you to change the battery in the detector, He isn't a 26 year old manipulator, he is a 6 year old with real fears (although ther is nothing to fear he has convinced himself there is)
Yes, anything that burns a fossil fuel (gas, oil, wood or coal) should have a CO detector.
My brother. He shoots off rockets for his collage. Hes got National Champion ships and they win MAJOR money and stuff too. It may be weird but thats what comes to mind!
Me, you, a can of Crisco and rubber sheets. Well, you asked.
The Incredible Heat-Seeking Moisture-Missile. One possible launcher would be Viagara, but, thankfully, I still have my own fuse. There would be some who would think that my mind is in the gutter, but I don't think so.

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