its been CONFIRMED since Lesnar signed with the WWE its going to be Lesnar vs Taker WM 29!after summerslam, Lesnar had no one to face, except for the undertaker who only comes out at Wrestle Mania! Lesnar and Undertaker are STILL under contract with the WWE and are eagerly awaiting WrestleMania. Rock WILL face John CenaLesnar WILL face UndertakerCM Punk and/or the shield WILL face RybackGET THAT INTO YOUR THICK SKULLS!
The two reasons I see in doing this is 1) a potential fire hazard and 2) the heat near your genitalia will cause sperm count to decrease, however, that does not mean its down for good, just while the heat is applied for a long time.
Are all your doors locked? Is there any way to get into your house? No You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm sure your parents are fine and are just having a really good time