I've tried to make the cement (on Whuddle World) and it always says that i'm unable to make it.WHY!?!
to mix a cement, u need this : 1 bag full of cement a bottle of water ( u need oil to pump water. for oil, just go to gadget n gizmos, enter the 1st lab, click oil can near pink tube) sand ( get it free at playground (NE ww) bucket ( talk to farmer noggin, then search it by clicking around a pile of hay in farmer barn.. keep clicking till you find it) a trowel ( go to hickory hardware n woodworks, click a garden spade which is hanging on the wall. just keep clicking around it till u'll receive msg that wud kraft let u borrowed his trowel) now only u can mix it by clicking ur bucket in ur omnimbus. click use bucket and u now can start mixing it by dragging the items in correct order. 1. bucket, 2. cement. 3. water. 4. sand now u just mix the cement and make sure u carry the it. go to charlie fountain and click the statue. n dont forget to talk to chelsea to receive your awards.. hope this help all whuddles.. cheer up!!!