The title says it all! And what would be used instead of water to put out a Jet fuel fire?(and no this isn‘t a homework question.I‘m just wondering and would like to know)
fuel and water don't mix they repel each other therefore the water would spread and the jet fuel would sit on top of the water a spread as well making a bigger fire. there is a foaming solution that is used with jet fuel fires
The burning Jet fuel will simply float on the water and therefore quickly spread with the flow of water. CO2 and Foam generation equipment are main fire fighting substances in this case. Being heavier than air, they blanket the fire which excludes oxygen (one of the 3 parts of the 'Fire Triangle'.(Fuel, Oxygen and a form of Ignition).
The fuel is lighter, and will float on top of the fire and still burn. To put it out they mix the water with a chemical and spray it thru a special nozzle to make foam. This covers the fuel and smothers the flames. Its sort of like a big fire blanket.