This morning at about 8:50 I was laying in bed and all of a sudden the smoke detectors in my house started going off, it was only for about 30 seconds and not all of them did it, it was one in my room and I think 2 or 3 more (we have about 8 total). They haven't done it since.Normally when they need new batteries they just beep annoyingly until someone changes it, but does this mean they need new batteries?
The roller coaster at the top of the hill will have gravitational potential energy - that bit was right :) however the candy bar doesn't have potential energyits has stored energy in the form of chemical energy. The rubber band will also have potential energy
A ringed binder/trapper keeper or a chain binder. Depends on whether or not we are in an office/school supply type situation or workin' outside around the trucks. Sorry, so many years spent around rigs.
rubber band and maybe the roller coaster (depends if it is moving) rubber bands store the energy you use to stretch them. when allowed to return to it's original tension, the rubber band will release the energy it has stored.
Umno idea where serial killer came out of but he is probs having wet dreams, look it up on google of u don't no what wet dreams r