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Why did the first industrial revolution begin with the sign of Jenny's textile machine rather than shuttle?

Why did the first industrial revolution begin with the sign of Jenny's textile machine rather than shuttle?


In the 1860s, the industrial revolution began with the British cotton industry, and then spread to mining, smelting, transportation and other industries in Europe
Because the first "Jenny machine" is the machine, the first to complete the transition from tool to machine, on the other hand, due to the "Jenny machine" appears, it promotes the related weaving, power, transportation and a series of industry inventions and use Machine, which opened the prelude to the British industrial revolution. That is, our history books agree with the beginning of the industrial revolution signs!
But can be called the British industrial revolution began to mark the only 1765 knitting and carpenter Hagrids invented the "Jenny spinning machine"
The innovation of the British cotton industry began in 1733 when the mechanic John Kay found that the shuttle was the sign of the industrial revolution, but was narrow and limited to light industry.

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