Gays weren't blasted with fire hoses, denied rights to vote, had to move to the back of the bus, have to drink from a gays only water fountain, the list goes onClearly they don't believe in the current voting system in the US (or only when it fits their agenda). Look at CA for example. The people spoke and voted down gay marriage. Sorry, but that's the way it went down. If we just legalize gay marriage will they shut up or will they find another issue to b*tch about?
You'll have to wait for the smoke to clear. Could take a few hours or so. That thing is still responding to the burnt oil, just as it should. Wait a couple of hours to insert the batteries again.
the first time offense is usually let go. They will probably council you on appropriate conduct though. Be honest! The best will come with that.
Best case you'll get fined for setting off the alarms without there being a fire. Worst case is either you'll be kicked out either of the dorms or out of school.
All you list here is she had problems with the other employees, based on what you list, I would have let her go a long time ago for failure to be a team player. You just say she complained about her co-workers; nothing about them doing anything (I'm sure they don't like her especially considering how she acts). Unless there much more to the other side of the story, which it sounds like there isn't, I would stay as fair away from your friend when at work, as you can.
They would want to know why you did that, to figure out if it was just a thoughtless act or is there something deeper like a potential of you turning into a walking fire hazard. If they conclude it was just a thoughtless act, be prepared for a stern lecture (the kind that might make you cry). They would also want to know who smuggled the candles into the dorm. Most of all they would want to figure out if you have a history of playing with fire. They would want to know whether you understand the seriousness and the dangers associated with candles especially in a dorm. Read up on the dangers of fire hazards. Apologize profusely, take responsibility and be open to reasonable consequences. Offer to write an essay on the dangers of fire. Assure them it will never happen again. The fact that you are still there, no police has been involved; chances are you might get away this time without much. No more candles for you!