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Why do Guinea Pigs need Bedding?

Is it ok to not have bedding, and just a plastic bottom?Can you use towels as bedding?


You can use towels, but you'll have to clean it everyday. Bedding absorbs more and and is comfortable. It lasts a week. (: Hoped that helped.
ive also got guinea pigs and i find that if you dont use bedding such as hay or newspaper then the cage starts to badly smell and the guinea pigs dont feel comfortable.
No, not really. Guinea pigs can get bumble foot without the right care for their feet. I use alfalfa hay shredded in small pieces for their bedding. You can use towels as bedding, but they may chew it to bits in the mean time. And they also may get it caught in their teeth as well. It's best to use proper bedding for the job. :)
To absorb there urine. If they had just a plastic bottom, there would be puddles of pee genius. Dont use just towels either, they would just be walking in their own filth. Do this. Towel first. and a fleece blanket on top. The urine goes right through the fleece so then the towel absorbs it.
Guinea pigs by nature are very clean animals. They need bedding to provide them with an environment near that of what is natural to them. If they are not kept in a clean home they become shame based and depressed. I found that by putting a nice layer of newspaper under the bedding it would soak up a lot to the urine in their potty spot, and it also made it easy to scope out the bedding there. You need to clean the potty spot every 2 to 3 days and the entire cage every 6 to 7 days. However by having the newspaper down it will simply roll out taking the messy bedding with it making the cage easy to wash out. I do hope this will help you understand why they need their bedding and that it is not all that hard to take care of. Good luck and enjoy your guinea pig

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