Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Ceramic Fiber Blanket > Why do I feel better after being covered with my blanket?

Why do I feel better after being covered with my blanket?

The other morning I was lying on the couch tiredI had one of those hangover headaches and felt a little cold and weakI asked my girlfriend nicely to get me my big blue fleece blanket from the closetShe brought it to me then opened it up and covered me with it.


Specialty kitchen shops have a special liner for this purpose that is a cut to fit itemFailing that you can also get tin-foil ones at the grocery store
Apparently not, after reading the responses listed above ????
Only if you want a fire.
not parchment paperYes there is a type paper to cut to fit at appliance stores.
Body wants a little higher temperature which will aid slightly higher blood cirulation when it is weak

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