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why do propane tanks turn on and off in the opposite direction of most other things.?

Screws, garden spigots, and most other things tighten when turned clockwise, and loosen when turned counter-clockwise. Propane tanks are the opposite. Why is this?


I've never thought about thathaha seems logical..0_x but idk..it may be to hot.
when the fire is hot enough to melt aluminum, steel, titanium, and all sort of metals, that is hot. when the two planes rammed into the twin towers, about 30mins later it was about 3500degree F. That's hot. like the Paris Hilton will say.
How do you get in touch with a factory? From logic all that needs to be done, it also should be made before getting the clothes done so you can protect yourseld and the company.
In a confined space fires fueled by flammable or combustible liquids (jet fuel, hydrolic fluid) can easily reach 1500 degrees, plus all the smoke and toxic gases. If the fire was in the incipent (begining) stage, the blanket would certainly help your chances.

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