Why do supermarkets regularly adjust the placement of goods on their shelves?
From the consumer's point of view, the product placement position is fixed, the time that can reduce the search for the commodity when visiting the supermarket again. But from the mall, it is easy to lose customers' attention to other items and have a stale feeling. So in goods shelves after a period of time, adjust the position of the shelves to make customers needs in the to find items, are drawn to the other items can also be for stores to change produces the feeling that find everything new and fresh. But it is easy to get annoyed by the fact that there is too much change in the shelf, which is a disrepute. So some supermarkets change their shelves in three or five months, others a year. I hope I can help you!
One goal is to customers will always be in a fixed shelves to find oneself want to buy goods, when he found out that he is shelves other commodities, he could purchase now put the goods, so that stores may have to increase sales
What season of seasonal activities have more sales promotion products to be prominently displayed What you say makes a lot of sense