I just fixed a problem where the 120 amp fuse was blowing due to short in alternator. Now, every time I connect the battery cables, the 10 amp room lamp fuse is blowing instantly. Help please.
Why would you replace a 13 amp fuse with a 3 amp one. If the lamp is rated for 13 amps, 3 amps will not work. Obviously the lamp is using much more than 3 amps. Put the 13 amp fuse back in. There probably is nothing wrong with the bulb.
there is a short in ur system. make sure all postive cables are not touching ground( bare metal on the car,) a short is the most annoying thing to find, look where u did work on the car and make sure no wires r looose, also find out what other components run on that fuse. i know that ur radio and gauges run on tthe same fuse cuz i had an eclipse, and now i have a talon. but yea just follow all the wires and make sure no wires r loose. use electrik tape.it works wonders. good luck