Why does the smoke detector go off when I finish taking a shower?
Do you have a cell phone with video capability? If so, record him one night when he's on his rant and show it to him the next day when he's sober. f that doesn't open up his eyes to his behavior then you have to put the fear in him!! Threaten to kick him out, regardless of how nice he is when he's not drinking, he is only heading down hill if he doesn't get help soon! Good luck
Wow, you got quite a range of answers! My first thought is that he needs to lock the bathroom door! LOL But seriously, I'd have to agree with some of the others, is he getting enough? My second thought is he's not very tidy or he's not even trying to hide the boys by carelessly leaving them everywhere. Men are sexual creatures, testosterone is a powerful thing. Plus, it's normal behavior, there's nothing wrong with it. You have a couple of options. First, I'd suggest finding out why, if there's no reason, follow some of the other ladies advice and join in, spice things up. Bottom line is be glad he's home with his lil rubber buddy and not out chasin the real thing.