Why do they get better treatment than some US citizens? I find it pathetic my mom works in the medical field and says she finds it sad when good citizens don't have insurance and can't afford treatment. While these rapists, robbers get all sorts of benefits. Why doesn't the prison system set up like a labor business? To compete like cheap labor ?
Actually a lot do. There are a few private prisons that sell prisoner labor to pennies an hour. A lot of telemarketing and tech support is done by prisoners.
Because over the years the bleeding heart mind-set of the liberal community has supported laws that regard anything less. as cruel and unusual punishment. They're currently working on ending execution by lethal injection for the same reason. Ultimately they want to end _all_ capital punishment and allow rapists, child molesters and killers to live a better quality of life as is their right as human beings. Frankly, I would support beheading for these aberrations who have contributed _nothing_ to society except pain and outrage. Who knows? Maybe the crime rate would noticeably fall after televising a couple of heads doing the same.
Most likely because the eight amendment to the constitution that protects people from cruel and unusual punishment. I once suggested that we test drugs and pharmaceuticals on prisoners in exchange for reduced sentences (on the off chance they die) so we can STOP TESTING ON INNOCENT ANIMALS but my biochemistry teacher shot it down. Something about bio ethics and the eighth amendment and the debt to society being evaded. As well as safety goes with inmates having access to tools or whatever they will be working with law enforcement already has troubles keeping them in check at times. People have rights because they are human, doesn't matter what kind of human.
Prisoners in moderate and minium security do work. They can't be forced to work that would be slavery and that isn't legal in this country. They certainly are encouraged to work or do job training in state or private prisons. As for their quality of life being better than people on the outside. <3 Not hardly. I do not where your Mom works that she see prisoner getting all kinds of benefits that other people can't get. But I've worked for some time in the medical field both on the outside and inside. The system in general isn't built on fairness. But prisoners in general don't not get frivolous medical treatments.There is a whole lot of waste in other areas. I really wish the rumor would die that there is a lot of waste spent on prisoners. They are humans and deserve humane treatment at least what most people would spend on their dog or cat or horse. Really think about it how many of you would pine over your hurt pet but want a human to suffer. Not every one in prison is a rapist
Maybe fifty miles from where I live is a farm camp where the inmates work, up the street is the maximum security where they're put to death. The farm camp is army barracks within a fence in the middle of a field that stretches to the horizon in every direction. At daylight what looks like hundreds of them in two by two shackles will move in a line out into the fields to work through the day, with guards on horse back with shotguns watching over them as they hoe and pick peas. The medium security prisoners from the maximum security prison tends cattle that grazes around the maximum security prison. County prisoners do road work; digging ditches, picking up trash, moving material,... They're also in shackles.