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why is baking powder used in fire extinguishers?

why is baking powder used in fire extinguishers?


Because of two main factors years years of non investment in infrastructure by spendthrift Labor governments as well as selling of billing rights to private corporations out for a quick dollar. All Labor decisions . Will you vote them in again ? edit Philpower generation comes under state governments mate all Labor until fairly recent times !
Because our goverment are rip off assholes they are lining their own pockets with our money they are slime assholes!!!!
Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were good wrestlers. Only Daniel Bryan was a good Wrestler in The Original NEXUS. The rest of The NEXUS were as green as Roman Reigns was.
Because we are APATHETIC MUGS! I got my bill yesterday and it was just over 100 bucks more than it has ever been. I noticed the whole bill was in a different format and I couldn't for the life of me figure it out. Gone were the comparison charts all the previous bills used to have showing previous consumption and the usual column showing the per kwt rate was also gone so I just had a lump total, no idea of the actual charge. Nowfunny this as I just installed Solar Hot panels at 4100-00 bucks expecting that to heavily discount the cost of my water heating. Look at all the solar advertising. It says everywhere and by just about every sellersolar hot water reduces 80% of your electricity bill as it is the number 1 user of electricity. Soinstead of a reduction with a 350 litre solar tank set up, my bill has gone up 100 bucks. I asked the provider who blanket outright told mefees and charges. We are being screwed because the Govts State and Federal have sold it all off to greedy corporations who knowthey gotta have itlets hit them in the pocket. What are the dumb clucks gunna do? Nothing as they have to have it and we can do what we like when it comes to billing them. This Aussie attitude of, don't worry, she's right, aagghhh you're a man, grin and bear it has played right into the hands of these execs who knowAussies are too proud to complain . I hate to think what others WITHOUT a huge solar system like mine are paying? If I have all this latest gadgetry and my bill is going through the roofheaven help the rest of you !

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