Why should we eat less:Fat, Sugar and Water and eat more fibreWhere do we find Fat, Sugar and Water and Fibre (in food)? and do you know any healthy alternatives? egsugar - diet coke :)
Calculate the sqare footage of your attic area ( a rough estimate will do, doesn't have to be exact)Next - determine that you have some type of soffit or eave vents installedMany older homes didn't have them, if you don't, for this to work you have to have them installedPurchase a power roof vent sized for the square footage of your attic area (depending on how big it is, you may need 2)Any competent roofer or small contractor can install the power roof ventsYou'll need a receptacle installed in the attic area to power the roof vent(s)Power vents come with a thermostat which can be set to energize the vents at a pre-determined temperature (most are set at 90 degrees, which is fine)What you are doing is drawing air from the soffit venting up into the attic area and expelling it via the power vents, which effectively cools the atticAny good home improvements store (Lowes, Home Depot) will carry power vents in different sizes to accommodate different square footage requirements.
SimpleAn attic may or may not have a switch down belowMany are controlled by a temperature sensing switchIf you don't see one up there, measure the attic and determine the approximate cubic feet.look up the formulas, an important factor in choosing a fanA fan is rated by the cubic feet per minute that it moves (CFM)The more air removed, the cooler it will beFor example, a 500 CFM exhaust fan will remove the hot air from a 2,500 cubic foot attic every 5 minutes.a 1,000 CFM fan removes it every 2 1/2 minutesA competent handyman should be ok for this, but back yourself up seeking advice from a major retailor like Home Depot or LowesAnother great source is an industrial supply company very familiar with this; GraingersThey are nationwide (find them online) and the right department sales advisor will help you on the phoneI don't work for them, honestI have purchased and installed dozens of very large exhaust fans for hot factories from them (like 15,000 CFM and bigger).
On attic fans-we used to have one, and they are greatIf the old one is in the attic, you might be able to get an electrician to replace the motorBut you know to use it, you have to open lots of windows, right? Then it pulls in the air, making it chilly even in the heat of the summerBut it is loudOurs had the louver section in a central hallway, with the switch to turn it on nearbyOurs in the attic had some kind of papery (like cardboard) thing tenting the louvers as wellI don't think they are all that complicated, but you'd have to find the specifications to put one togetherA HVAC guy would probably not know anything about them I think the price probably would run a couple hundred at the most for the fan, installation a couple of hours of an electrician or handyman's timeBut I do not know if they are even still made, as they are considered pretty obsolete.
For people trying to lose weight fiber can give you a satisfied feeling for a longer period of time then high sugar, high carb, low fiber foodThus, with a high fiber diet you typically eat lessCalories from fat are the easiest to store, thus using little in the way of calories to store as fat on your body Calories from protein are the most difficult to convert to fat, using the most calories in the process, making them less of a calorie than calories from fat or sugarHigh fiber food can make the digestive process easier, whereas high fat food does the opposite, increasing the likelihood of constipationSugar is so enjoyable to eat for most people that food manufacturers add it to most foods to make it taste betterAvoid foods labeled low-fat they are often very high in sugar Look for single ingredient foodsLike meat, fruits veggies, skim milk, etcThey are low in the things you don't want, high in the things you do want.