I want to felt bits where I changed colours, so there's less chance of the stripey scarf unravellingWould this work? How would I need to do it?
youd have to sheetrock the walls to cover the insulation beacuse its bad to breath it in.dpending on how you want it you may have to spackle(wich can be ahrd) and paint it.
ProbablyIt depends on what has already been done up thereCould you hang some drywall and call it good, or would it need lots of other things- like electric plugs and windows.
It depends on the type of insulationIf it's formeldahyde? insulation it's too dangerous to be nearIf not, make sure it's enclosed, with pastic vapor barrier or something over it, or wood/plywoodAs long as you're not breathing any fibres inIf it's insulated and warm go for it!! All you need is to make sure the insulation is in place and not hanging out of the walls and there's no dust from the insulation or anythingYou don't want to breathe in anything unhealthyMake sure it's ventilated too!
Acryllic yarns do not felt at allIf you want to keep your ends from popping out you need to leave sufficiently long tails (6 - 8 inches) and weave them securely into the back of the fabricThe only fibers that felt are animal fibersYarns must be at least 80% animal fiber, and not a superwash for felting.