I‘m thinking about getting a short ram air intake in my car will it increase the horsepower? Also, I‘ve noticed that they have Short Ram, Cold Air, and Complete Cold Air Intake. Choice of 3. Which one is better and which will give me the most increase in horsepower and torque? I have a Celica GT-S the RPMS are 9000 redlined, and 180 horsepower factory level. The exhaust is already fairly big so I‘m not concerned about getting a bigger exhaust muffler. I need an air intake for my car. I also heard pulleys are good for more torque as well. I‘m going to get one of those next. How much increase in horsepower would a racing pulley give my car?
The most hp for your money is a CAI (Cold Air Intake). Short Rams give a slight boost until your motor gets really hot then it only robs you of engine performance. (the cooler the air intake at the combustion chamber, the more power you extract for the igniting of the fuel.) CCAI (Complete Cold Air Intakes) are only good if you have boost. As this requires you to have a complete front air dam to get the full effects. The only draw to CAI or CCAI is that you have to be careful of water being sucked into the motor. (h2o and combustion motors are not friends in any caliber).