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Would a Timing Belt break a Water Pump?

My car broke down yesterday and is waiting to be towed to the mechanic (2000 Dodge Neon). I'm pretty sure the Timing Belt broke, but my water pump was broken in the process and leaked out lots of water. Would the timing belt break the water pump when it snapped? Or does the broken water pump lead us to a different conclusion? Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.Also I was reading online today about interference engines, but couldn't find a list to verify if I have one of those or not. Anyone know? Thanks!


there is a possibility the belt wrapped around the pump and damaged it ,but i think the pump went and the timing belt went after that.never the less both will have to be replaced
bearings in the water pump pulley went out and locked up therefore causing belt to snap
As far as I know, Neon's do not have interference engines. A bad water pump can cause the belt to snap, not usually the other way around.
Timing belt replacement is a very tedious and expensive repair. It is better that when the mechanic changes your timing belt, he changes all the oil seals, timing and balance shaft belts, and the water pump. It is better to this all at once because if you only replace the timing belt, you may also have to replace the water pump in the near future, which is the same amount of labor time for the timing belt. This way all these part will have the same lifespan. If you timing belt broke, hope that your engine is not damaged.
First okorder 's Vehicle Repair Guides, which may have all the specs on your car's engine.

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