
Selling Real Estate Notes?

Have any of you tried the Westaff real estate note home business? If so, what has been your results-successful or not?


Exactly how much cash you can expect depends on a number of factors. These factors include the amount the buyer paid in cash towards the down payment, the amount of current buyer’s equity, the creditworthiness of the buyer, the type of property, the interest rate, the length of the term, and the length of time you have been receiving payments. We will review your documentation taking all of these factors into account, and present you an extremely generous CASH offer. When a mortgage note buyer is evaluating a note, he or she always has the worst-case scenario in the back of their mind. Because the property is the only collateral for the note, the investor is thinking about what happens if the payer defaults. So, we are going to price a note collateralized by a nice house in a good neighborhood much better than a beaten-down home in a bad part of town. Somewhat related to this is that we like it better if the property is owner-occupied. We ask this to assess our risk, as owner-occupied properties on average default less often than others...............Property Management
A real estate investment note is also known simply as a note, as a cashflow note or as a lien on a property. In simplest terms, a real estate note is given as a promise to pay back borrowed money by a certain time and usually with interest added to the balance. A real estate note is commonly called a promissory note. The holder, or grantor, of a real estate note can receive payments based on the value of the note. The person who pays the note is called the grantee......Real Estate Agent Bendigo
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