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In Tarot, how do I read Wands as Air and Swords as Fire?

I took a long long break from tarot, and now I decided to start again. I've been doing a lot of online reading, for sort of a refresher course. I don't know why but I never noticed that most of these resources associate AirSwords and FireWands, which is opposite of how I associate them, and so the first part of my question is are the interpretations the same, despite the elements associated with the suit? And my second question is am I supposed to interpret them however my deck does? I mean my current deck has them AirWands, FireSwords, but I plan on getting more soon and if I buy one that has them the other way around, do I interpret them the same?Thanks in adavnce.


1. Not having a lightning rod is just asking for it 2. LOLZ The notion of coining words (as if they were money) seems to have started with an Elizabethan writer by the name of Puttenham. In 1589 his hot new title, English Poesie hit the streets and in volume 3, on page 259 (yawn) he moans about Young schollers not halfe well studied who seeme to coigne fine wordes out of the Latin. In French a coigne is a die used to stamp out money.
When in 2364 the crew of the Enterprise became intoxicated with polywater and exhibited unusual manic behavior, Wesley, who had also became intoxicated, took control of engineering, appointing himself acting captain Wesley Crusher and barricading himself in engineering. TNG: The Naked Now

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