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All Aluminum Foils Question

Food that won't go bad for packaging?
2 answer
what noble gas has the same electron configuration as aluminum bromide?
5 answer
I bought my wife aluminum siding for her anniversary presentWill she be impressed? The package is huge.?
1 answer
How do you cook your tilapia?
5 answer
how many grains of sand are on a beach?????, the size of the beach would be one mile long!?
5 answer
how can i make a cake pan?
3 answer
How do I make a switch for a simple electrical circuit?
2 answer
How can I make a boat out of aluminum foil that can hold marbles?
3 answer
How to warm food in oven (not microwave oven)?
3 answer
are you ment to put something over fimo clay when you bake it in the oven?
4 answer
How do I become a famous astronaut?
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Aluminum becomes a positive ionWould Calcium and Aluminum be likely to form a compound?
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Painters - Could someone help me?
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Why is the spell checker in Yahoo Answers american?
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Jiffy Pop?
2 answer
can a microwavable plastic container serve as an anti ESD (electro static damage) for an HDD? Thanks?
5 answer
How do I bake Baby Back Ribs?
3 answer
Using aluminium foil on a frying pan to act as an oven?
4 answer
Physics: Thermal Expansion?
0 answer
help radiator question?
2 answer
Sheet Metal Question (Aluminum)?
1 answer
How do I get the burnt residue off my stove?
1 answer
Reducing agents are used in the extraction of metals.?
4 answer
How to remove salt from a solution?
5 answer
Can I use aluminum foil to wrap hot food?
1 answer
homework help: couple science questions on land?! help please? easy 10 points?
4 answer
How can I protect my SLR camera from the heat?
1 answer
Why is aluminum is a suitable material to use in making cans based on it's physical and chemical properties?
3 answer
if I freeze my stainless steel water bottle with carbonated soda in it would there be any problems?
3 answer
how to make ice-cream?
5 answer