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All Aluminum Foils Question

When you line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil, is it shiny or dull side up?
5 answer
Real world example where you have seen an exponential?
4 answer
Can i use this method to polish/clean gold jewellery ?
4 answer
can i use aluminum foil to bake a pizza?
1 answer
Does aluminum foil rust?
2 answer
What should I cook for dinner?
5 answer
Godfather's dessert pizza recipe?
5 answer
where can i buy 7/8 od 5/8 id aluminum pipe?
0 answer
How much energy does it take to make aluminum foil?
5 answer
I need the help of some expert crafts/handy/artsy? anyone really.?
1 answer
Question about Bar's Leaks Liquid Copper/Aluminum Stop Leak?
4 answer
Question Regarding Dryer Vent?
5 answer
How can i keep food hot when traveling?
2 answer
What chargers will work on the macbook 2010 edition (white) ?
4 answer
which of the following materials is necessary to stop an alpha particle? Beta particle? Gamma radiation?
2 answer
Cheapest,lightest lasting metal For project?
5 answer
From which metal is each of the following objects made? Explain why that metal is chosen.?
5 answer
chemistry question?
2 answer
how to cook a spiral sliced glazed ham ??`?
3 answer
Where do I get the stats on how much pollution is created in the recycling process?
4 answer
Why when people touch tv's antennas.???
1 answer
What plates are safe to put in a toaster oven?
0 answer
Can one buy a sheet of metal with V groves on the entire surface of only one side, and if so what is it called?
2 answer
What are the spices used in paper wrapped chicken?
0 answer
Does anyone know how to make copper looking ornaments with white glue that is heated with a match?
5 answer
Tips on how to make this project?
3 answer
How long will US Customs hold my package?
5 answer
place/dealer who sells aluminium/silver foil rolls near chennai,to paste on paper plates?
2 answer
What does it mean when a 2006 BMW 3-series has the sport package?
4 answer
can the beretta fire any 9mm round?
1 answer