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All Home Appliances Question

I boil the eggs in the kettle. The water is boiled and automatically trip. In order to boil the eggs, I press the switch to stop the jump. Will it burn the line?
3 answer
What are the advantages of the titanium kettle and rice cooker?
3 answer
Yogurt machine takes several hours to make yogurt
4 answer
What are the several types of general family expenses air conditioning?
3 answer
Buy a few P good sitting room buy a air conditioning?
4 answer
I would like to ask the salon has eight shampoo beds, which brand of heat pump water heater is better?
3 answer
How to make bread with bread machine in winter?
3 answer
Electric heating oven tube why later will not red red
3 answer
Why do ice machines know ice?
3 answer
How do you open the base of the rice cooker?
3 answer
What is air source heat pump?Where can I buy it? Best in Ji'nan!
3 answer
How about the quality of the bread machine?
2 answer
How much do you charge for the refrigerator?
3 answer
Can the food mixer not be minced?
2 answer
Stainless steel electric kettle how to remove scale ah?
4 answer
Which is good, electric water heater or gas water heater?
4 answer
What is the function of the air conditioning condenser?
4 answer
Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners?
4 answer
How much is the plug of the electric water heater for bath?
3 answer
Which is better, microwave oven or oven?
4 answer
How to measure the quality of fan motors with digital multimeter?
4 answer
Are Kirby vacuum cleaners worth the price? What do you think about Kirby vacuums?
5 answer
Forced type 50 mixer, mixing the amount of irrigation for one party
3 answer
how much did the iRobot Roomba cleaners cost?
3 answer
There is a water fountain in the classroom. There are two water pipes in the water dispenser
3 answer
a retailer sold 50 vacuum cleaners at $90 and 35 vacuum cleaners at $140...what is the weighted mean price of?
3 answer
How to take the bread out of the Donlim bread machine?
3 answer
Installation method of air source heat pump water heater
3 answer
How long does it take for yogurt to ferment?
4 answer
Is there any hidden danger that the household freezer is energized for a long time?
3 answer