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All Hotel Bed Question

What's the difference between a double / double bed in a hotel room?
3 answer
When I was staying at the hotel, I really don't know what brand of hotel articles, hotel sheets and sheets are used in these hotels
3 answer
Four sets of hotel bedding? Where can I sell them? What about the price?
2 answer
Hotel bedding products and specifications
3 answer
What is the standard single bed and double bed size of the hotel?
2 answer
Hotel bedding four sets, 60s how much is it?
2 answer
Hotel linens approach
3 answer
What brand does five-star hotel mattress use, ah, the mattress of Four Seasons Hotels of Paris sleeps well, comfortable
2 answer
What do you need so many pillows on the hotel bed?
2 answer
How do you lay your hotel sheets?
3 answer
What brand is Hongkong Four Seasons Hotels bedding?
2 answer
What brand of Vienna Hotel bedding?
2 answer
Will the hotel sheets be replaced every day?
4 answer
Can the hotel bed be equipped with mosquito nets?
4 answer
Why the hotel linen towels called linen
3 answer
The skill of making bed and throwing sheets in a hotel
5 answer
What are the knitting numbers of hotel bedding?
5 answer
The hotel linens contaminated, do not know the linen clothes fade, dyed black and blue, and demanded compensation of 180 yuan.
3 answer
How about a plush blanket on the hotel bed?
2 answer
General hotel bed product four sets. With 40 encrypted pure white, can you?
3 answer
The hotel room (PIN) can two people live?
2 answer
The hotel bed has a small bedspread (spread out at the end of the bed). What's it for?
4 answer
What's the cloth that is spread over the hotel bed?
3 answer
How many beds should the five star hotel have? Is there a standard requirement?
4 answer
What's the standard size of the hotel bed?
3 answer
The hotel linens generally use what detergent?
4 answer
What is the fun hotel bed
5 answer
Can you put Rose Petals on the bed of the hotel?
3 answer
What brand mattress does average high-end five-star hotel mattress use?
2 answer
What is that cloth on the bed in the hotel for?
3 answer