I've replaced the lugs lug nuts on my '92 Rodeo (bought it new, now has 208,000+ miles) 4 times now (first 2 times from the dealer, 3rd from NAPA and the last time from RockAuto Parts and getting ready to do it again. I'm running the factory 15x6 steel rims and air wrenches have not been used on it for over 10 years now. The lugs nuts keep getting striped no matter what I do (from what I've readed on line this seems to be a common problem on Isuzu SUVs), could the rims be the problem? If the rims are the problem what ofter steels rims (years, makes and models other than Isuzu and Honda) will fit?
Well I know the 205 and 249 np are full time, but I thought the 203np is part time. but either way if you put locking hubs on you will need to make sure the transer case is part time or you will burn up the case
Some banks will. Others have a rule that they only change currency for customers. There are also money exchanges found at airports, business districts, shopping centers and tourist areas. If you can't change money at a bank the money exchange is your best bet. Avoid changing dollars at your hotel or in any store, bar or restaurant. They will give you a very unfavorable exchange for your dollar. You can also bring a small amount of cash to change and make most of your payments with a debit card or use your card to withdraw from an ATM. The ATM rates are usually better than the money exchange and are hassle free. I live in Mexico and travel internationally.