1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee with power door locks and windows. When you click the remote to lock the doors the driver door lock motor buzzes but the door won't lock. I have to lock it manually. Is there a part I need to replace, and what is it called? Is it difficult? Thanks in advance.
Pricing of your homeowners insurance has to do with what is known as the Protection Class of your town. This can be anywhere from 1-10. 1-8 mean there is a fire station within 5 miles and a fire hydrant (pressurized and connected to town water supply) within 1000 ft of the house. The difference between 1 8 involves several factors, paid or volunteer fire dept, number on staff, number of fire trucks types, type of mutual aid (how other towns are called in to help or cover the station), response times, etc. Most companies rate 1-8 the same. So, as long as you have a fire hydrant within 1000 ft and a fire station within 5 miles, the rate is the same. Protection class 9 means there is a fire station within 5 miles, however, there is no fire hydrant. This is usually in rural towns that have no town water the houses have wells. Some companies charge higher rates for this, some don't. Protection class 10 means the fire station is over 5 miles and no fire hydrant. Many companies will NOT write houses that are in these areas. There are some that are in rural areas that will write Protection class 10 but they will charge a higher rate. My parents actually have 3 fire stations within a mile of their house but they don't pay any less for this. Also, I have a fire station within 1000 ft of my house (right around the corner) and I do not pay any less. Different companies charge different rates so if you are looking to save money, shop around.
Google up some 300zx enthusiasts forms. You'll get better answers there. Good luck.