I noticed a kind of grinding/rubbing? noise when going maybe 5mph over speed bumps only. Two bumps a day every day so it's definitely there. I'm guessing something strut related. Just looking for a heads up before my trip to the mechanic. Any ideas?Thanks.
Which is more important to you, your life or a Cool room?
Try looking up Pegasus racing products. They can probably help you.
Absolutely! You've asked them to stop and they don't so the next step is to call the police. If that does not work, the write to your mayor or county commissioner. If they are speeding and there are kids that play in the area, it's only a matter of time before someone get's hurt or killed.
Not a stupid question at all, but the answer is that there aren't any other than the rather drab ones you see everywhere. You CAN however, embellish what you have to make just about anything you want. You can add to it, paint it, make it part of a ceiling *sky-scape* or whatever you wish. I'm not all that artistic, but that is what an artist *might* do with it. The most important thing would be to make sure you do not harm any of the operating parts or cover the openings that allow air (smoke) into it, but yeah, use your imagination an make it look like anything you want. And when you are done, test it to make sure it still works. Al