4. Write the formula of the following compounds after you decide whether they are ionic or covalent. Use your periodic table and naming reference sheet to determinethe charges of ions.magnesium sulfide __________________________________________magnesium sulfate __________________________________________dinitrogen tetrasulfide __________________________________________dihydrogen monoxide __________________________________________copper (II) chloride __________________________________________disulfur hexachloride __________________________________________boron trihydride __________________________________________potassium sulfide __________________________________________calcium bromide __________________________________________carbon monoxide __________________________________________strontium chloride __________________________________________dinitrogen tetrabromide __________________________________________
For the best answers, search on this site shorturl.im/UhcUs 1) MgS-ionic 2) MgSO4-ionic 3) N2S4-covalent 4) H2O-polar covalent 5) CuCl2-covalent 6) S2Cl6-covalent 7) BH3- binary molecular 8) K2S-ionic 9) CaBr2- ionic 10) CO- covalent 11) SrCl2- ionic 12) N2Br4- covalent Metal+Non metalionic bond Two non-metalscovalent bond
Do the brakes then start to respond normally as you pump them? If so and you aren't low on brake fluid then it sounds like air.
This Site Might Help You. RE: 4. Write the formula of the following compounds after you decide whether they are ionic or covalent.? 4. Write the formula of the following compounds after you decide whether they are ionic or covalent. Use your periodic table and naming reference sheet to determine the charges of ions. magnesium sulfide ________________________________________. magnesium sulfate.
Hello there Thomas! magnesium sulfide Magnesium is a metal, sulfide is an ion of sulfur which is a non metal so we have an ionic bond with the formula MgS. magnesium sulfate Magnesium is a metal, sulfate is an ion so once again we have an ionic bond. The formula is MgSO4 dinitrogen tetrasulfide Nitrogen and sulfur are both non metals so we have covelent bonding. With the formula N2S4 dihydrogen monoxide Hydrogen and oxygen are both non metals so we have covelent bonding. With the formula H2O copper (II) chloride Ionic CuCl2 disulfur hexachloride Covelent S2Cl6 boron trihydride Covelent BH3 potassium sulfide Ionic KS calcium bromide Ionic CaBr2 carbon monoxide Covelent CO strontium chloride Ionic SrCl2 dinitrogen tetrabromide Covelent N2Br4 Hope I helped