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94 Ford Explorer autamatic lockouts not locking but axles are turnig?

94 Ford Explorer autamatic lockouts not locking but axles are turnig?


If your front axles are turning then that eliminates the T-case and front differential as the problem. You probably just need new hubs. If you go off roading a lot, consider replacing the automatic hubs with manual hubs. These require you to manually lock each hub to engage the axle. I'm a big fan of Warn locking hubs. If you are just an occasional off-roader or you never really use 4 wheel drive, have new automatic hubs put in. I'm willing to bet your auto hubs are just worn out. It's not a hard job to do by yourself and you can save some money. It's just five or six Torx head screws and then you pop out a retainer clip and the hub should slip out. Check out the link for a little more detail on the advantages/disadvantages of manual and automatic hubs.

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