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A concrete cover film, under what circumstances to cover, what does not cover

A concrete cover film, under what circumstances to cover, what does not cover


The thin film is a thin, soft transparent sheet. Made of plastics, adhesives, rubber, or other materials. A scientific interpretation of a polyester film is a 2 dimensional material formed by atoms, molecules, or ions deposited on the surface of a substrate. Example: optical film, composite film, superconducting film, polyester film, nylon film, plastic film and so on. Films are widely used in electronic, electrical, mechanical, printing and other industries.
The hydration heat of the cement requires only twenty percent of the actual water, and the rest will evaporateAll water evaporates to form a contraction
Because the external temperature and the internal temperature of concrete can not be too different,Otherwise, thermal stress. Internal expansion. External contraction. Produces cracks

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