If your gf used gloves (the yellow kind) to wash dishes, would you think it's cute, stupid, or not care?
The lower your roof, the less likely you'll be hit.
If i was president I wouldn't go to Japan period. I wouldn't give them any aid either, or send anyone there on my behalf. I would allow any American citizen to travel to Japan or send any money or aid that they wanted to help the Japanese. As for the BP spill I would have ended all subsidies and liability caps for all companies if I could have as soon as I got into office. This would have made BP be far more careful, knowing they were responsible for any damage they caused as opposed to the taxpayers. If water ways were owned by privately instead of by the government people could actually claim damages against BP, unlike now where the government took over the claims procedure being that they own the waterways.
1. Nope. 2. Lumbridge. But not the one over the bridge from the castle the other one near the grain fields. It's about a 20 second walk from Draynor Bank and hardly anyone uses it. Have fun.
1. no 2. if ur mem its different other then that its lumby